Private Dwelling Insurance

Royal Crown Insurance, a company with an established presence and long-term experience in the insurance world, and with a main goal to protect and cover its clients with its progressive insurance policies, presents the Private Dwelling Insurance Policy. The Private Dwelling Insurance Policy concerns both owners and tenants of dwellings and apartments. It concerns you too.

It is a universal truth that the home, whether dwelling, apartment, or country house, is our personal space. Inside this space, we have lived and loved, laughed and spent endless moments of pleasure and leisure, and therefore guard within it, our most important life moments, our most treasured personal items. We guard in our home a lifetime’s emotions and values.

Look into our Private Dwelling Insurance before deciding

Royal Crown Insurance appreciates your values, and offers one of the most modern insurance policies, specifically designed to protect both your building and your contents. It protects the building, the garage, the verandas, the walls and covers all costs needed for wreckage removal, demolition, as well as architects’ fees. Also covered are the house contents, such as furniture, electrical equipment, jewellery, paintings, in the event of fire, lightning etc., and therefore helps you keep on enjoying your home all year long.

So you can enjoy your home carefree, by taking out a Private Dwelling Insurance Policy with Royal Crown Insurance – it protects you from:

• Fire
• Storm and Tempest
• Cyclone and Hurricane
• Tank overflow
• Earthquake
• Explosion
• Malicious Damage
• Impact with Buildings
• Aircraft or Aerial Device
• Riot and strikes

You can get a lot of extras with just a little extra

The Private Dwelling Insurance Policy enables you to adapt your cover your own financial priorities, extending it to other risks, such as:

• Theft involving violent or non-violent entry
• Damage to solar heaters and antennae
• ‘New for old’ basis for your chattels
• Securing financial aid in the event that your home is considered unoccupied due to an insured risk